President's Office Takeover

Let's fill President Christy's office with balloons to celebrate the generosity of our Northwestern alumni and friends. For every $100 gift--or increase of a previous AllNDay gift by a total of $100--we'll inflate a balloon and put it in his office. Two balloons will be added for every employee who gives to AllNDay. So join us in supporting NWC's mission and Spread Red in Greg's office.

Eras of Excellence Challenge

When you make a gift on AllNDay, you will be able to vote for the Era of Excellence that most resonates with you. It could be the era you graduated, the era a child graduated, or simply the era of your life you reflect upon most fondly. Let’s see which era can increase their participation from last year! 

Current Parent Challenge

All current parents who donate $25 dollars or more will receive a Northwestern College coffee mug!

Lunch Hour Triple

All gifts over $25 given between 12 noon and 1 p.m. CDT will be tripled by our match donors!

First-Time Giver Challenge

Anyone who donates $15 or more to Northwestern for the first time on AllNDay will receive a non-cash prize!

Anyone who donates will get the option to select their state. The above real-time map shows where this year's AllNDay donors are from.